We provide outreach services within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Outreach staff offer supportive counselling to women who have experienced an abusive relationship.
We can meet with you in your home, in your community at a location you feel is safe, or at our offices.
Outreach Workers can help with:
- abuse education and support
- accompanying you to legal appointments and throughout the family and/or criminal legal process
- finding safe and secure housing
- working with your landlord to resolve conflict and/or to avoid eviction
- providing advocacy and information to help you obtain financial assistance
- providing support and referrals to counselling programs
- making connections to educational upgrading and job training resources
- helping you to complete legal aid applications
- help you to prepare for initial court appearances and lawyer’s appointments
- providing you with referrals to and advocacy with additional agencies
- developing a transitional plan and helping you cope with change
- safety planning
Please call 613-342-8815 or 1-800-267-4409 for more information, or for a referral.
Group Programs
We run a variety of group programs throughout the year.
- Women’s Group Programs are facilitated by our women’s counselors, and are open to any woman who has experienced violence in her life. The programs are weekly, each running for approximately 10 weeks, and cover a range of topics. Groups are ongoing, and take place both in Brockville at our agency, as well as in other locations around Leeds and Grenville. Please call 613-342-8815 or 1-800-267-4409 for more information, or for a referral.
Transition & Housing

A transition and housing support counsellor can meet with you to assist in creating a safety plan, help you to make plans to leave in abusive relationship, and to establish a new life on your own, free from violence. The counsellor will help you develop a transitional plan based on the type of supports you need. It will identify your short- and long-term goals and the steps needed to achieve them. The goal is for you and your children to move forward with a feeling of enhanced security, comfort and dignity.
A transition and housing support counsellor can help with:
- helping you to find safe and secure housing (either through subsidized housing or on the private market)
- assisting you to fill out housing applications, to find alternate housing or to maintain existing housing
- working with your landlord to resolve conflict and/or to avoid eviction
- providing advocacy and information to help you obtain financial assistance,
- providing support and referrals to counselling programs
- making connections to educational upgrading and job training resources
- helping you to complete legal aid applications
- help you to prepare for initial court appearances and lawyer’s appointments
- providing you with referrals to and advocacy with parent/child resources
- developing a transitional plan and helping you cope with change
- follow-up
- safety planning
For a referral or to connect with a counsellor in the Transition and Housing Support program, please call 613-342-8815 or 1-800-267-4409.